Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Food Inc.

I honestly got angry when I watched this movie. It made me angry that the animals were treated that poorly and nobody stood up against it. It made me angry how big corporations are just allowed to monopolize and run everybody else out of business. The farmers who were taken advantage of and had basically stupid lawsuits against them.
I have two big questions I took away from this movie;
The first is How can there be such strict laws against people hurting animals like cats and dogs, but there is no punishment held for the cows and pigs and chickens that are basically tortured everyday until they die? I don't really understand how that is possible or if people in power could think its okay. At the same time however, it doesn't make me not want to become a vegetarian. I'm still going to enjoy my steak, pork tenderloin, and fried chicken as much as before. The way these animals are treated does upset me, but I enjoy eating meat, and its to much of a hassle for me to start eating free range and organic meat.
My second question is; how are giant companies allowed to take advantage of smaller family farms? I honestly still get angry thinking about the farmers that basically had there lives ruined because they wanted to have some control over their own land. How can a company release their product, accidentally or not, and then take a survey of somebodies private property and decide they "stole" their product. whats to stop them from just flying planes over crops and dumping their seed on them and then bring up lawsuits against random farmers?
I guess the biggest thing I got from this movie is that; the more money you or your company has, its a lot easier for people in power to turn a blind eye to your actions.

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